Hi! Emmanuel Nwanochie

Immersed In Designing & 
Developing  Web  &  Mobile Applications

A skilled full-stack software developer with over 5 years of experience. Specializes in React, Node.js, TypeScript, Next.js, Redux, React-Native MongoDB, and Chakra UI. Built over 20 web applications that are currently in use by over 2000 active users. Portfolio includes employee management systems, content sharing platforms, and case management systems for managing cases of abuse. Passionate about building innovative solutions that meet the unique needs of users and clients

Photo of Nwanochie Emmanuel


Some of my works


TiFI is collections of AI tools that simplifies complex task. features included pdf summariser, script to video, talking avatar, youtube summariser, podcast summariser and thumbnail generator. Built and deployed pdf summariser and talking avatar module.

Tools: D‹evOps · pm2 · Celery · minio · Python · FastAPI · GPT · Anthropic Claude


A social media platform that helps users connect, engage, earn and hire creatvies.

Tools: NestJS · Nodejs · GPT-4 · Anthropic Claude · DigitalOcean · MongoDB · PostgreSQL · Microsoft Azure

Circo Africa

A content-sharing platform, that lets users share video content, Livestream, view video content, and manage their wallet.

Tools: Typescript, Nodejs, Nextjs, MongoDb, Chakra-UI and Redux-toolkit.

Tialala App

A celebrity/user connection web app. Leveraged Next.js, TypeScript, Node.js, Chakra UI, Redux, and MongoDB to build this applications

Tools: Typescript, Nodejs, Nextjs, MongoDb, Chakra-UI and Redux-toolkit.

Case Information Management System

A web application that helps the UNICEF Nigeria to case of any abuse cases. It features anonymous reporting, case management, and data analysis. I focused on the frontend of the application and Developed it using Nextjs, Chakra-Ui, Tailwindcss and Redux.

Tools: Typescript, Nextjs, Chakra-UI and Redux-toolkit.

Nasco Direct

Built an e-commerce web platform for NASCO GROUP one of the largest Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies in the West Africa region. The platform currently has about 500-1000 users interacting with the website daily. https://nascodirect.net

Tools: Typescript, Nextjs, TailwindCss, Redux-toolkit.

Employee Management System

Developed to help NASCO GROUP of Companies manage their employees and their tasks. I Nextjs, Redux, Chakra UI, and other technologies to build this application. It features Task Management, Leave Management, Payroll, Company communication, user dashboard, supervisor dashboard etc. The platform currently has over 1000 users.

Tools: Typescript, Nextjs, Chakra-UI and Redux-toolkit.


Developed the front end of a blockchain web-based application that allows users to carry out escrow services, trade, and invest in cryptocurrencies. Currently being developed using Reactjs, Chakra-UI, React-Redux, Axios (for API calls)

Tools: Next.Js, React.js, Chakra-Ui, Redux etc.

Recent Articles


Automating Linux User Creation with Bash Scripts

Published: 2024-07-04

Introduction Managing users on a Linux system can be a repetitive and error-prone task, especially when dealing with a large number of users. Automating this process with a bash script can save time and reduce the risk of mistakes. In this article, ...

Author: Emmanuel Nwanochie


Handy Javascript Array Methods

Published: 2022-04-24

There are really handy array methods in javascript to keep in mind when trying to manipulate data within an array to get your desired output. I would be going over seven of them in this article. filter(): Creates a new array with elements that match...

Author: Emmanuel Nwanochie


Github Copilot — Developer's other half.

Published: 2022-04-16

How fascinating it is to start a line of code, and the next line(s) is completed by Artificial Intelligence. How cool does that sound? GitHub Copilot…Github and Open AI created the Github copilot as a helper and a colleague for every developer. It i...

Author: Emmanuel Nwanochie


Somewhere in the center… On a quest to know more.

Published: 2022-04-15

Hey there! Trust you are good? for me, I am doing well. At least I think so. A lot has been going on lately. I just finished my three weeks NYSC orientation courses at plateau state and would be stuck here serving my country in the next few months. ...

Author: Emmanuel Nwanochie


Previous Update on my HNG Internship

Published: 2021-10-16

I made a post about a month ago on LinkedIn about my experience with HNG Internship. Decided to add it here. “The past few weeks as a frontend web development Intern at HNG Internship have been both challenging and interesting. Faced with the challe...

Author: Emmanuel Nwanochie


Another Phase with HNGIntenship and Zuri

Published: 2021-08-20

This is my first article on medium, I am excited while getting pumped to explore the next 8 weeks in this program. I just joined the HNG internship organized in partnership with the Zuri team. I hope to build a powerful network while perfecting my w...

Author: Emmanuel Nwanochie


© 2024 Emmanuel Nwanochie.